Nursing Home Abuse: What You Should Be Looking For

When you put an aging loved one into a nursing home, the goal is to ensure that they receive the best possible care. Unfortunately, some nursing homes can appear to be a great environment but, over time, may start to leave you concerned. If the nursing home that your loved one is in has you concerned, you should learn about the basics of nursing home abuse. When you know the signs and the things to watch for, you can speak up for your family member even when they can't.

Hygiene Issues 

Your family member should be clean and groomed whenever you visit. This shows that the staff of the nursing home are attentive to daily grooming tasks and cleanliness. If you see signs of poor hygiene, such as dirty clothes, body odors, messy hair, or bed sores, it's important that you record instances and talk with your loved one about the daily routines and what happens.

Bandages That Need Changing

When your loved one has an injury that needs to be bandaged, those bandages should be fresh and clean at all times. If there are signs of dirt, bleeding through the bandages, or other signs that they have not been kept up, you should reach out to the staff right away. Bandages that haven't been changed as often as they should leave patients at risk of infection. Elderly individuals are more susceptible to those infections than many others because of weakened immune systems.

Physical Changes

An aging loved one who seems to be drastically losing weight is another cause for concern. Food can be used as a weapon in some nursing home abuse instances. Not only that, but sometimes seniors who are being mistreated will become depressed and lose interest in food. In either case, it leads to rapid weight loss. This is a serious cause for concern and one that should never be overlooked.

Emotional Differences 

Not all signs of nursing home abuse are physical and obvious. In fact, sometimes, the signs of nursing home abuse are as subtle as a loved one withdrawing into themselves, not communicating openly, sleeping a lot, or flinching when you reach for them. 

If you see any physical or behavioral signs that your aging family member is being mistreated, it's important that you address it as soon as possible. The more proactive you are about advocating for your family member, the safer they are likely to be.

To learn more, contact a company like Williams & Swee
